I feel like I've spent the weekend with You, Me, and Everyone We Know. Friday and Saturday were a big edit-fest to finish up their interview & acoustic performances, and then today I headed to Starland ballroom to see them play with Just Surrender, Rookie of the Year, and approximately 29 other bands. (also, the first sentence I wrote sounded funny in my head, but just looks creepy now that I've typed it.)

For the record- Starland ballroom: not so easy to get to. Their website makes it sound like a breeze, but it required a 40 minute subway ride to Penn station, an hour train to Jersey, and then an $18 cab ride to the venue (then reverse all that to get home). Whatever, now I've learned not to go there unless I can dupe someone into picking me up at the train and chauffeuring me to the venue. The show itself was pretty sweet. I thought that You, Me, and Everyone We Know were pretty solid when I saw them at Bamboozle, but tonight's set probably blew Bamboozle's set out of the water.

As I mentioned, all the stuff we shot with You, Me, and Everyone We Know is posted on Inklings now, so go check it out. If you think that the spider that crawled onto Ben's arm in the middle of Do It Again was distracting, I will tell you that it doesn't come close to the random guy who almost walked into the shot while they were playing Dirty Laundry (the first time.) A guy was riding his bike by, and decided to come check out the huge tree/bush that the guys were sitting in front of. We were literally in the middle of shooting an acoustic performance when the guy walks up
maybe 5 feet from Ben and Ryan, and leans over to read the plaque behind them. I got really confused, but they kept playing so I kept shooting. After the guy walked away, Ben lost it and we ended up starting the song over. It was by far the weirdest thing that's happened during one of our shoots. Naomi missed the whole thing because she was so focused on getting good shots. She was very confused when everyone just burst out laughing and they stopped playing.

In any case, if you are one of the (estimated) 4 people who actually reads this blog, and you somehow have not already heard You, Me, and Everyone We Know, go do yourself a favor and download their EP. Seriously.
It's been a long day. I don't think I've ever been at a show for more than 6 hours when it wasn't Warped Tour/Bamboozle.
I think this week I'm going to see Goldfinger for the first time since I was 17. I'm pretty excited.
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