(as written on Tuesday...)
Saturday's Warped Tour in Uniondale was a little closer to home. Naomi's brother was in town, so he drove us to Nassau Coliseum. We weren't able to shoot video because of venue rules, so we spent the day watching bands and shooting photos. Tom Falcone (who shot
this picture of All Time Low that I'm sure you've all seen, among many others) joined up with us, so keep an eye out on the site for some of his photos, too.

Mayday Parade played super early in the day, so we ran over to the Hurley stage as soon as we saw the schedule and managed to catch almost all of their set. We headed over to one of the mainstages next for Story of the Year. I think I've only seen them one other time before, and it was probably 3 or 4 years ago, but those guys put on a SOLID show.

The Academy Is played right after SOTY, on the other mainstage. I'd caught a bit of their set the day before, but other than that I hadn't seen them play in a while. I really like the first new song they played. I didn't hear the other new song they played, because we ran over to the myspace tent to hear Forever the Sickest Kids do an acoustic set. That band is just so damn catchy, it was pretty much a rule that we had to listen to their cd atleast once per drive, each way, all weekend.
We found our friends in The Scenic working the crowd and hustling CDs. We unsuccessfully attempted to help them sell, but we were terrible at it. We managed to sell one, but it was to Naomi, so I don't know that that counts.
I went to the Kevin Says stage after that to watch A Cursive Memory. The only song of theirs that I really knew was Everything (if you haven't seen the video for that yet, youtube it-- it's so genius), but their set was a lot of fun.

You, Me and Everyone We Know played the same stage right afterwards. I'd missed their set the day before, so I was really glad to catch them on Saturday. Naomi had only ever seen them play acoustic before, so it was her first time seeing them play a regular set. They were great, as usual.
We ran over to catch the second half of Family Force 5's set as soon as they were done. Those guys are INSANE and put on the most entertaining show I've ever seen. If you watch them play, you can't help but smile and dance.

Later we caught Set Your Goals (A Cursive Memory came out at the end and played a Blink182 song at the end of their set, there was much toilet paper thrown around and silly string sprayed everywhere) and then listened to Mayday Parade play acoustic at the Myspace tent.

After all that, we headed to the Ernie Ball stage for Forever the Sickest Kids. That stage is WAY too small for those guys. It was crazy! There wasn't even enough room in front of the barricade for all the photographers. I bowed out gracefully (I'm not a real photographer, I just like taking pictures) and watched from next to the stage. I left before they finished their last song to run over and shoot the first few songs of All Time Low's set. I missed their set on the AP tour, so this was my first time seeing them.

Four Year Strong was one of the last bands I saw on Saturday. Their shows are always SO much fun, and so insane. We saw a girl who got knocked into by a crowd surfer and hit her face on the barricade, possibly breaking her nose. People were coming over the barricade faster than the security guards could catch them. This was the only set of the day that I got kicked while I was taking pictures. Also the only set of the day that I was singing along while taking pictures.

Say Anything was last. The crowd was HUGE and went crazy. Definitely one of the best sets I saw all weekend.
After that, we met up with a couple friends and headed home to go to sleep. Day 3 coming soon....