I'm writing this from my parents' couch in Buffalo, where my cat is currently trying to climb onto my laptop, which kind of makes typing difficult.

Last Monday we shot an interview & acoustic song with National Product. Now, to say that these guys are "nice" is the understatement of the century. They are
SO nice that they make regular people seem like jerks by comparison. They talked about a bunch of stuff, from their album
Luna to the awesome Christmas pictures they have on their myspace. (sidenote: I have always prided myself on the amazing Christmas picture that my family and I took a couple years ago (it involves jazz hands), but they have blown us out of the water!!! It's cool though, I talked to my mom about it and she says we can do one like theirs next year. I think I'll make my dad wear the onesie pajamas.) They were a great time and also hilarious, plus we had just bought a new microphone so the acoustic version of "Love Me" that they played sounds AMAZING.

As you might have read about on ap.net, we invited the guys out for karaoke afterwards. By the time they got there, there were only a few songs left and they weren't taking any more names. However, Naomi is a person who makes shit HAPPEN, so she put in some good words here and there and got them the last spot of the night. Nate and Danny killed it on "Livin On a Prayer" and ended up winning the night (I don't think they even knew it was a contest!) You can check out a video on
And this is unrelated to National Product, but later that night some guys we didn't know came up to Naomi, handed her their drinks and coats, then ballroom-danced around us. They then took their drinks, kissed her on the hand and tried to leave, and when she handed one of them his coat back, he threw it on the floor. I think it was some sort of weird dream sequence.
There are a whole bunch of pictures up on our
myspace and there's a teaser video up on the site now. Check it out and get psyched for more. I'm in the process of cutting it all together, but I might need to take a minibreak for 2 days so I can hang out with my parents/cat while I'm at home. If you haven't done it already, add Inklings on myspace so you'll know right away as soon as anything new is added.