Saturday, May 17, 2008

Happy (almost) birthday, Inklings

I read a news story the other day about some woman who has such a good memory that she can relive every day since she was 14 in vivid detail, including what she wore, what she did, what her mom ordered for lunch at a restaurant, etc. I think I must be related to this woman somehow.

Naomi is consistently weirded out by the details I can remember. I'll say things like "Well (x event) must have been last July, because it was the day after we saw Valencia, and it was raining that night." I also have an uncanny memory for dates. I can tell you that 10/1/05 was the first time I saw Paramore, because I also interviewed Cartel that day for my college tv show. I can tell you that March 14th is Taylor Hanson's birthday, because I so deeply ingrained that date into my brain when I was 12 that I probably couldn't forget it if I tried. AND I can tell you that May 17th one year ago is when Naomi and I came up with the idea to start Inklings.

I remember the date because we were on our way to see Men Women & Children, and we stopped for a drink between work and the show. We got to talking about how not enough good, hardworking bands get the media attention they deserve, and we wanted to help pick up the slack. Our first shoot was less than a month later, and we've been going strong ever since. We've accomplished more in our first year than we thought was possible, and for that we have to thank all the people who've helped us out, and all the bands who have given us their time.

Anyway, the point of all this is that we're planning a sick birthday party for Inklings, with the help of our incredibly awesome friends Josh and Sean. More details to be announced this week once we get everything finalized-- but believe me, if you live in the NYC area you're going to want to be there :) June 15th- save the date!


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